
Monday, January 24, 2011

Wonderful Trip


Don't we all love flying C and F and lounge food? ;p

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Top 5 Picks: MAGAZINES!

I got inspired to do a little TOP 5. Like Top 5 Fave food, top 5 fave mall, yada yada you get the point.
Gonna start with magazine since I was (and recovering) magazines-addict. And since it's me, yes I will try to put my fave cover as well (and you know how it entitles, don't ya? ;p)

My Top 5 Magazine Picks

1. DOLLY Australia 

Despite the choice of covers that I put in my blog (you kno me *wink), Dolly is HANDS-DOWN the best magazine with the best layout EVER. And believe me when I say I've had my fair share of girls/women/fashion magazine (will post it below). Basically, Australian magazines like Cosmo, GF, and Cleo have the best layout, but Dolly still hands-down the best of all.
And they have great articles, gossip, and fashion tips ( LOTS of them actually), very easy and enjoyable to read.
Dolly only have one issue (Australian Dolly), and I hope they do intent to keep it that way.
It's pretty expensive as well actually, but whatever, it's a good mag nonetheless.
Ps. They have this sealed section about girls stuff, how thoughtful!

Anyone wanna send me one year subscription to Dolly?


So informative, and just... brilliant! 
But I might have to say some Seventeen's from other country actually put a shame to the US edition, this is also why I wrote above, the US edition. Actually the Singapore edition is cool as well, but still not as good. Tho whenever I visit a country that has Seventeen I always buy it ;p
And I love the paper they're using. DNW, I just love them.

3. TeenVogue 

I still remember my first copy of Teen Vogue years years years ago. It was a used magazine, but I got it at the same month. I mean, I bought a used TV December issue on December. And I'm SO IN LOVE with the mag, and considering I was, at that time, on the perfect age demography for TV, so it's like, BAM! It's so me!

Before that time, I have no idea Vogue has TV, which kinda surprised me, and as far as I know, when I got my 1st issue of TV, the bookstores in Jakarta haven't sell it, not like nowadays. It was probably one of the first magazine with smaller-sized, and definitely the pioneer magazine for smaller-sized magazines.

4. IKEA Catalogue

Some of you might say, "Hey, this is a catalogue, not magazine!" Okay, big deal. When magazine is actually a catalogue from vary brands, this one holds one same brand. Ties, I think.

IKEA is my pleasure (both guilty or not, both conscious and unconscious).
I always, begged my Dad to get me one of their catalogue whenever he goes abroad. And I lusting over the pages, even more than I lust over fashion magazines. I do think I spent more time looking at this magazine than those fashion magz ;p

IKEA is brilliant, hands down. So creative, and innovative, friendly, and sophisticated.
You might think IKEA pays me to talk if I continue tho ;p
It's a great, thorough, clear , and informative catalogue all at once. Even if you don't have IKEA nearby, you still can copy their look, right? And let's end this here before we talk about the showroom :D

5. TIES on fave-sequence (InStyle, Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Lucky)

I love all of them equally and since they're all at the same demographic and pretty much same everything, I'll just put them all together. InStyle and Lucky, for me, is the ULTIMATE shopping guide. I remember very well my on first copy of Lucky, they gave me this stickers (a full page of them) to make it easier for us to mark the page that hold stuff that we're interested in. If you live in US or you're happen in US and want to go shopping, grab this magazine, put some stickers on it, grab your wallet and go. Those stuff in both Lucky and InStyle have enough variation for every budget. Lovely!

Bazaar and Vogue basically featured the same fashion/style/products. I do, however, notice the difference between their featured articles and companion, but basically it's EQUAL.

I will write a 'lil post about some rare-find magazines I have on my collection on the next blog post.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Can I have these all for my birthday?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Financial Tips

How to SAVE

Umumnya, makin besar penghasilan, makin besar pula pengeluaran kita. Yuk, be a smart spender. Percaya nggak, sebenernya kita bisa lho keluar negeri berkali-kali setahun hanya dengan pintar ngatur pengeluaran :)) 

Sebenernya, nabung itu gampang banget, yang susah: the will to do so, dan godaan-godaan sepanjang jalan, Saya jadi tertarik untuk share beberapa tips dan trik pengehematan. Siapa tahu, bisa membantu sedikit ;p

1. Kurangi Makan di luar rumah
Makan di resto/cafe memang pasti enak, sushi, pizza, steak, pasta... yummmm,
Tapi coba hitung, berapa banyak yang kamu keluarkan untuk makan dalam sebulan. Coba kumpulkan semua receipt dan hitung pengeluaran kamu untuk makan di luar. Dapat sepatu berapa pasang? Dapat tiket Jakarta-HongKong?

Kadang-kadang, craving terhadap makanan tertentu memang suka ganggu. Trik-nya, coba cari subtitusinya. Daripada makan strawberry cheesecake di SoHo, coba beli strawberry cheesecake-nya Bread Talk. Rasanya mirip kok, harganya beda 3 kali lipat.

Pengen Sup Buntut Hotel Borobudur? Coba ke warung kaki lima di belakang Plaza Senayan atau di daerah perkantoran Setiabudi di Kuningan, kamu bisa makan sampai kekenyangan plus traktir 4 orang teman kamu dengan pengeluaran yang sama dengan satu porsi Sup Buntut Borobudur.

Intinya, makan di luar umumnya adalah salah satu porsi pengeluaran paling besar dari pendapatan kita. Some people called it lifestyle, some just think out of the box and figured out the other way!

2. Kurangi Belanja
Window shopping, lihat toko online.., selalu aja ada godaan untuk belanja. Belanja sih nggak mungkin berhenti, but be smart ladies, beberapa barang hanya indah untuk beberapa saat aja.
Ketika kamu tertarik untuk membeli sesuatu, langsung buat skala prioritas. Dari Skala 1-10, berapa skala kepentingan barang tersebut untuk kamu miliki. JANGAN pernah beli sesuatu barang hanya dengan alasan "seneng punya, atau asal punya, atau senang dilihat". Selain mubazir, bayangkan dalam kurun waktu 6 bulan ke depan, mau kamu apakan barang tersebut? Berguna atau cuma disimpan saja?

Trik lain, set batas budget yang sudah kamu hitung secara cermat. Semisal, batas budget untuk membeli sebuah kemeja Rp 200.000, jangan sekali-kali melanggar budget yang sudah kamu buat tersebut. Kemejanya lucu banget, langka, lagi diskon, dll? Lihat lagi skala prioritas.
Money Management

3. Kurangi pergi ke Mall
Mall itu tempat orang mengeluarkan uang. Logika-nya aja, semakin sering kamu ke mall, semakin banyak pengeluaran kamu.

4. Cari kegiatan positif
Yuk, be creative and do something. Siapa tahu, malah kegiatan sampingan kamu ini bisa menghasilkan penghasilan tambahan. Seorang teman saya, bekerja sebagai karyawati, tapi dia menerima pesanan kue apple pie. Dia mengelola website sederhana untuk mempromosikan usahanya. Lumayan buat tambahan!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Card From Alice

I just received this too-cute card from my naughty-pervy friend, Alice.




Dear Aaaaaalice,
Thank you so much for the card, it's so so cute <3 好可愛 ;)
I'm looking forward to squeeing together and doing more happy dance with you this year.
And maybe I get to visit you sometime *wink

Love and Hugs,


Card From Joy

I recently received these beautiful cards from my lovely friend, Joy


Joy dear,
You really are such a Joy <3 
Thank you so much and it's an honor for receiving the card for you.
This really made my day!
